Get Healthy for Summer ☀ Easy Health and Fitness Tips!
Thumbs up if you enjoyed this video – can we get this to 2,000 likes?! Click for links/info about everything mentioned ⟹
♡ I’m trying to get to 100k subscribers by my birthday, July 2nd – which is coming up very soon! I would *really really* appreciate if you could help me get to that goal but sharing my videos with your friends! Once I get there I will be doing a big giveaway for you guys, so get excited for that! ♡
♡ R E L A T E D V I D E O S ♡
Fun, Healthy Summer Snack Ideas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SDDUnVZBLk
My Summer Morning Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U64hQuwS8Uw
DIY Summer Picnic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U64hQuwS8Uw
My Recipe Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHGmd2Hq3kj0eaJbFh0hJlFIrl2E6xEg7
♡ S O C I A L M E D I A ♡
SNAPCHAT ⟹ vasseurbeauty
INSTAGRAM ⟹ http://instagram.com/vasseurbeauty
TWITTER ⟹ https://twitter.com/vasseurbeauty
♡ R E C I P E S ♡
➡ Green Bowl Recipe
1 banana (fresh or frozen)
½ an avocado
1 cup or more of greens, I use pre-washed kale and spinach – makes it really easy
A few frozen strawberries or whatever fruit you like
A scoop of protein powder, I like the Jay Robb vanilla flavor
A few drops of stevia
And a dash of coconut milk or milk of choice, since we want this to be thicker than a smoothie add less liquid. *the amount I added in the video was a little too much and wasn’t as thick as I normally like it
Topping ideas:
I mix it up every time but for this one I used
Sliced banana
Diced peach
Shredded coconut
Goji berries
➡ Zucchini Pasta Recipe
There are many recipes out there for how to make the perfect zucchini pasta and this is the one that I find works best (I use method 1 below)
Use a spiralizer or julienne slicer to cut noodles into thin strips (best rated spirliazer on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Spiralizer%C2%AE-Tri-Blade-Vegetable-Strongest-Heaviest-Gluten-Free/dp/B00GRIR87M)
Dehydrate the noodles – if you don’t do this, they will be slimy and won’t taste as good.
Method one: Put zucchini on a baking tray, sprinkle with a little salt and put in oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
Method 2: generously salt noodles and leave out for 15 minutes, rinse off salt with water and pat dry with paper towels.
After dehydrating the noodles put in salted, boiling water for 4 minutes. Serve with sauce and toppings of choice.
➡ Carrot Apple Salad
1 part shredded carrot with 1 part shredded green apple. Dressing is 1-2 tbs of olive oil, juice of one lime and 1-2 cloves of fresh pressed garlic. YUM!
Website where I like to get my recipe inspiration is www.tastespotting.com
➡ Lemon Water Hack / Frozen Lemon Water
Juice a bowl of lemons at one time – you can get a juicer like the one I used for only from amazon
Pour into ice cube tray and freeze. I use 2-3 cubes per 18 oz of water. You can also add mint, lavender or any other herb/flavoring to your lemon cubes based on what you enjoy.
➡ Cold Brew Iced Tea – this is a flavor I like http://www.amazon.com/Celestial-Seasonings-Tropical-Fruit-Herbal/dp/B0017T2OSO/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1433702626&sr=8-16&keywords=cold+brew+iced+tea&pebp=1433702650696&perid=1B8VZW745EMCE4T2V9WD
♡ F I T N E S S ♡
Here are the details of the fitness competition I created with my mom – It’s been really fun and has kept both of us motivated so I hope you can get some inspiration from it!
Challenge starts on Monday AM each week and ends Sunday night at 8pm.
Each Monday morning we will declare the previous weeks winner.
At the beginning of the week we each decide what the other person has to do if we win and email it so we agree by the end of the day Monday. Called “the losers task”
If the “losers task” is not completed by the loser within one week, then the winner gets to add another task.
“loser tasks” have to be reasonable and agreed upon in advance. For example, taking the winner out to lunch, a manicure, etc.
8 minute or less Blogilates video = 1 point
8+ min Blogilates video = 1.5 points
Personal training session = 2 points
Pilates class = 2 points
PROOF :::::
In terms of proof, I will go by the honor system but we should keep a written log. Write down the video, the day/time and how hard it was 1-10 (So this way I have a record. We can text each other updates of daily points. You can send a photo if you want to but you don’t have to.
songs: I don’t like it, I love it flo rida. Happy by pharrell.
FTC: This video is not sponsored. All items we purchased by me. No affiliate links used.
VasseurBeauty says
I will be selecting the giveaway winners from my morning routine video at
8pm PST tonight! Head on over to that video to enter if you haven’t
already! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U64hQuwS8Uw
Maria Crecco says
This was super helpful! Loved it :)
Tan Ja says
best ending ever!! :D
Kim Avery says
Yes!!!! so excited to try all of these ❤️❤️❤️
אתי מזרחי says
you have amazing ideas
going to do the the lemon ice cube… thanks!
Youssra Yemmas says
I loved the end with your husband!! It was hilarious!
naturalwhisper says
LOL that was cute at the end 🙂 Good video!!
MillieMinion says
I said u were doing a give away xx
Amy Denny says
Great tips! Great video
SeeingSunshine says
The endings of your videos always crack me up! The lemon ice cubes are an
awesome tip, what a time saver! I will definitely be looking for a juicer
like that and trying it out.
MissLizHeart says
I just noticed we have the same pans LOL :D
Anika Srivastava says
Mabel Lau says
I loved your tips that I actually will use sometime. You have so many
kitchen devices :O
Azil Jones says
Youtubers who watch Blogilates are automatically my best friend.
Deb Jackson says
I love the lemon ice cube idea :() Great video as usual, you’re humor is
in line with mine :P
Em Cee says
Love that you put all the details in the description box. Thanks!!!
itschandlerirene says
Love your fitness videos!
Sugar Bum Bum says
Sharbani Mukerjee says
I loved your opening to the video. Your message was so true!