Beware Of Fake Supplement – How To Identify? | Health and Fitness Tips | Guru Mann
Its necessary to be informed about fake supplements and things to keep in mind before buying these supplemets.
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i consume soya chunks and soya bean pulses to balance my diet with protien
.. is this will increase my estrogen level…? pls do tell me .. should i
consume it ?
as u mentioned that eating soya causes increase in estrogrn level..
Great video sir..
Thanks for Sharing Your Ideas, appreciate much
i m doing workout since 8-9 months ., i want to ask u tht can i start whey
+ creatine .
rite now m having dalia +almonds as breakfst aftr 5-6 hr in lunch dal or
green vegetable and evening time 4-5 pm green tea then 1 fruit salad
without cream n banana . 6 -7:30 pm swimming then 7:45-8:45 pm gym then
after gym roasted chickn + pint f beer ., then aftr 40 min only salad .
tht’s it ..help me please bro. m ur big fan .
Been doing RnD since 2 weeks,even talked to ON team on twitter. My first
doubt was side effects, have been reading that for long term these
supplements do have side effects related to kidney , stomach ,collection of
protein in body and lot more. First i want you to clear this doubt which
many people have in mind. I am asking my gym pals and known ones, they all
have this one thing to say, no dont go for them, they have side effects. So
to change this mentality of all, i do need to understand and get educated
on this
Plus you said in one of ur comments that “Neulife sells original ON and if
you import it from US then definitely you’ll get 100% original products” .
Does that mean neulife doesnt sell 100% original products? Do we buy online
from amazon?
how we can contact with you ?????
Thanks for the video. Can you please comment on Nitric Whey by Big Muscles?
It’s an Indian brand.
nice video! i just bought ARNOLD Shaker from one of international retailer
in arnold official website. but what keep bothering me is from below
shaker, i notice it said MADE IN CHINA.. was it make sense? weren’t every
single produce by this ARNOLD Company must MADE IN USA? Thanks for reply!
I really wanted to know something..
Have you ever heard of RAINBOW supplements (STORE)?
Are they legitimate??
Thanks a lot for sharing knowledge in this video,keep up the good work
lama topic hahhahah …..
and also bro dere is nothing wrong wid soy bean plant based estrogen
doesnt harm u dere were many vegetarian bodybuilders
who took soy as dere main source of protein… for g. BIll pearl
but anyways ur info was gud for new comers in bodybuilding (y) for dat u
did a gud job…
Bro pls pls answer I am using muscle blaze every thing is good about it
..but when I first mixed it in water it made chunks in water.should I worry
please reply me
does snapdeal sell fake supplements cause i gonna buy ON 100% Whey gold.?
Is neulife safe place to buy ON Products. As some of friends say they also
mix stuff in their products
dude….good video..explaining about supplements and how to rectify it..
one question which whey protein you prefer or recommend to your clients..!!
Is there a definite need for supplementation when gaining muscle?? Eg if a
person can complete his nutrition needs by good nutrition program then is
it necessary ??? Please discuss
hi sir main india delhi se hu yaha pe bhi bot fake protein milta h khas
kar on ka te mai ki online lu vo jada bttr rhega,,,,??? amazon india,com
Hi Guru, thanks for sharing such information which is vital. Secondly, how
much of Soy beans can generate the estrogen in male body. Being Veg I’m
also eating it on daily basis around 100-200gm per day. Please suggest is
it unhealthy?
Such a helpful video. Thank you Sir for uploading it .
I have a query though
is whey protein recommended for losing fat and gaining lean muscle?
What are the things in mind I should keep while buying whey protein since
this is going to be my first time
Thank u sir for the great advise.
I love u….sir
on whey dosent have air tight seal.. but delivered by neulife is it
authentic… thnkz sir
How do you differentiate between a fake or real supplement ??
i have just ordered 2 boxes MP BCAA3:1:2 from snapdeal but the expire date
in one of da box is erased and the date on the other box says 07/16..
I bought it for 1599 Rs
But the packaging is brand new with outter and inner seal
and also mu ultimate Nutrition Real Gain does not mixes properly is this a
sign ?
Hello Guru Mann,
Recently I joined in Gym to Gain Weight as I am skinny, My instructor
suggested to take Protein Supplement and I did so, for the first month my
instructor gave me [Big Muscles(Xtreme Weight Gainer)U.S.Health Products]
Supplement on the Box they have mentioned Office address at New Delhi, Work
at : Haryana and mentioned their Licence Number, I gained 7 kg’s approx. in
first month.
Now, for (current)second month he gave me another supplement [Deca
Nutrition(Top Gainer)Weight Enhancement Formula] where on the box there is
no local address mentioned but they have mentioned International address as
Deca Nutrition Supplement Company, 1606 North park Dr, Weston, Ft
I don’t know whether both these Supplements are Genuine or Fake ?
Shall I use the second Supplement or not ?
Please help and guide me
I ws about to order ON whey gold standard protein at healthkart but before
purchasing I wanted to know hw to identify a genuine nd fake
product..thanks fr making us aware…
subscribed! :)
bhai indian brand muscle blaze is good brand or a fake