Bulimia, Anorexia, Health & Fitness: My Story
Thank you for watching, liking, commenting and subscribing.
Due to the sensitive nature of this video, I will not tolerate negative, hurtful or insensitive comments towards the content or toward any person who voices their story in the comments. I hope this video will help someone. I love you all. XOXO
If you or someone you know needs help:
Camara B says
I really appreciate this video. I’m actually going through this right now &
nobody knows. I’m very good at hiding it & faking confidence when I’m
around people, but in reality I’m actually so insecure and so sad…
Crystal Nicole Ford says
It may not be a beautiful history, but it is real and hopefully can be a
help to someone else. Nothing about an eating disorder in ANY form is
pretty…but it is a silent killer and there IS hope and help! XOXO
Alberta Lewis says
You are beautiful outside and more importantly inside. Even if you weighed
100 lbs. more, you would still be beautiful inside and out. Thank you for
this video and for sharing your soul and heart. God healed you and He is
using you to heal others. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. God bless
mamadawg58 says
It may not be a beautiful history, but it is real and hopefully can be a
help to someone else. Nothing about an eating disorder in ANY form is
pretty…but it is a silent killer and there IS hope and help! XOXO
lele boo says
I respect you so much for being open about your story. I have been battling
anorexia for almost 5 years now so I know how hard it is. Im glad that you
got the help you needed. God bless
katbrimat2008 says
You are beautiful in ways that go much deeper than just your skin. God has
made you beautiful both within & out. I too have struggled with body images
& my prayer was always, “God please let me see myself through Your eyes &
not my own.” I pray that same prayer for you. May you see your beautiful
eyes that the love of Jesus shines through, a mouth that speaks truth &
life & encourages others, hands that do the work of the Father & create
beautiful things, feet that bring you to & fro to share your story. If you
ever need a friend to talk to or someone to speak life over you please
reach out. I know that I’ve only met you through Facebook but I really do
consider you a friend! Feel free to message me if you would like my phone
number. God has given you beauty for your ashes, never forget that!! <3