Chit Chat: Fitness and Health!
I often get asked what I do to stay healthy/if I still workout, so here’s an update! Since I’m married now I gotta stay cute right? (: I just recently started using this new app called Pump Up that I would love for you all to follow me on (@vickylogan) so I can keep up my progress and share it with you guys! Download it here! http://appsp.in/pumpup
Subscribe for new videos every week! http://bit.ly/1hzvp16
Previous videos:
TRY ON HAUL http://bit.ly/tryonhaul
TMI http://bit.ly/1mvtP8J
LIFE WITH THE LOGANS first episode premieres Thursday, April 24 at 6 pm CST! MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/QtpAwP
Wedding Video http://bit.ly/1ir7xOx
Eyebrow Tutorial http://bit.ly/1kof5IK
Everyday/ Full Face Makeup Routine http://bit.ly/1g3NEjm
Makeup for Beginners 101: Intro and Essential Items http://bit.ly/1ir7KkP
How to Sew a U-Part Wig http://bit.ly/1g3Gqf2
How To Install + Style Clip Ins http://bit.ly/1mWfZMp
50 Facts About Me http://bit.ly/1k0cLVE
Best Friend Tag http://bit.ly/R1jLYg
Relationships FAQ http://bit.ly/1jrvZlZ
TWITTER http://bit.ly/1irbLFJ
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PINTEREST http://bit.ly/1kHF7SU
MAKE SURE your Instagram is not private if you tag me in photos!
Camera: Canon T3i
Editing: Final Cut Pro X
Music: Flowers + Apricots & Prunes by IAMNOBODI
If you would like to contact me, you can email me at:
For brand inquiries please contact businessinquiries@thecollective-la.com ____________________________________________
+ Send Me Something! +
Vicky Logan
PO Box 159
Wadsworth IL
Like for more lifestyle related videos! ALSO be sure to stay tuned to the
end to see a preview of Life With the Logans and make sure you subscribe,
the first episode launches THIS THURSDAY! 😀 :D
thanks for this video really informative
I love the nike training club app! Great video :)
You seemed like you we’re about to cry when you were saying “Back At Home”.
I have the workout trainer app it gives you a daily workout plan it is
i love how you change the background color of the title cards for each new
video 🙂
This vid came right on time! My husband and I will be moving in together
next month, and as my role switches to “housewife” for a while, its good to
know what you do to keep you both healthy and also what you do to stay fit.
I think you should do more home-y vids. Great video as always! :)
Love this and the app too! ;)
I love this Video!!!! Great tips…..LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!
I alsoo love your channel. and ols do more lifestyle videos :-))))))) LOVE
More fitness videos please
What is on you lips?
I’ve been loving your videos lately!
I had the app and I did not like it! The workouts was not times it would
just show a workout and not tell me how long to do it, it was so confusing
so I like the skimble workout app way better!
SOOOOOOOO excited about where you’re going with your channel. Lifestyle
vids and such! Yeahhh VickyLo
Have you tried @blogilates workouts?
Love the direction you’re going in with your videos! This was so
insightful! Thank You!
Your sooo mature that’s why I like you great video sweetie
Love the new direction!
You are very inspiring! New subbie!!!
Great tips! I just learned about the microwave thing too. And even tho it
takes longer, i love that the food taste like FOOD! LoL. Also love how you
get so happy and smiley when u talk about being married and being a wife!
Its a beautiful thing!
I joined Pump Up because of this video. I’m suuuuuuper stoked to get
started. Just hearing you speak about health and fitness got me
motivated!!!!!!! Thanks a bunch. If no one else tells you then I will. YOU
So I’m new to your channel, I totally need help/motivation…I have 72 days
until I’m married, I would like to tone as well. I try to work out at home
and I’m very small(have been that way since for ever too. I will download
the app, but any suggestions?
Cooking videos please
I have subscribed to a YouTube workout channel called superhero fitness tv
with an exceptional fitness guru named keaira Lashae. Trust me Vicky I’m
just like you with the whole workout routine thing, she is very
motivational n she speaks to you throughout out the whole video . She just
makes it very fun with her incorporation of dance moves. So go check it
out, sending you love from all the way in Jamaica!