Dollar Tree Haul: Health and Fitness Motivation! January 2015
Health and Fitness Motivation: Dollar Tree Style!
These are some of my fave Dollar Tree picks to possibly help inspire a kickstart in your resolution to get back on the fitness track (pun: kinda intended) for 2015 (if you fell off, even slightly… Yours truly? Guilty. Yup!) Some of these are of my tried and true products you’ve seen a *trillion* times on the channel, some are BRAND NEW finds that just came out for spring-ish time, and some I just gloriously discovered randomly.
Link to VA Bike Trail/Vacay Vlog:
::Watch my Latest Videos::
DITL of Wrigley! (Our Border Terrier)
The Whisper Challenge with my Hubby!
Dollar Tree Haul of RANDOMNESS!
::::More of Yours Truly::::
•••Where are you from?
East Tennessee
•••What’s your name?
•••What camera do you use?
iphone5s. it’s gollllllllld.
Love seeing this thanks!!!
Great stuff, doll. Lord knows I’ve gotta get my fat ass moving. 😉 P.S.
Seeing the bracelet totally made me smile. Yay! <3
I love your hauls and I love you! Xoxo ❤
that water bottle is amazing the seal is really nice!!!!!
Great idea for a video. =)
Thanks for sharing! I’m getting back to a healthier lifestyle too. I fell
off the wagon with the holidays.
Thanks for sharing Love your videos. What has motivated me so far this year
is a received a Fit Bit for Christmas. It tracks steps and all that but the
thing I like most about it is you can link it with other people that have
one also, Keeps everyone accountable and motivated
Hi! I, too, am getting back on track with my fitness and healthy eating
routine! Starting the 21 Day Fix soon and so excited!! I love your videos,
btw!! I would love to hear more about your fitness and clean eating
Great haul!!!
Yeah i can say I am ready for Spring, you did get some good stuff I never
can find the nuts and berries in the packs like you got and I need to pick
up a couple of the water bottles. And we both say yes to the foot spray we
wear tennis shoes year around and well you know ;( but this helps
tremendously. Hugs and Blessings
I love the theme video! Some of these products are new to me! Love it as
The Luna bar in the carrot cake flavor is AMazing!
i need to try that hot or cold patch i usely just get the ones that stick
on you but sometimes it doesnt stay on my back or my knee right and maybe
this one will. great haul and good look with the healthy lifestyle
I felt weird eating homemade mac and cheese while watching this haha, I
haven’t paid much mind to the athletic section, I’ll have to now!
Great video today……TFS… I am ready to “go for the gold” again and get
back on track so now my weekly trip to the Dollar Tree tomorrow will be
inspired by your healthy haul. You know I gotta find that water bottle!
I loved the video. I really need to get motivated….I have so much weight
to lose.
Do you have any tips for starting out a fitness regimen?
I just discovered your channel and I love your videos. Your little dog is
adorable. I am amazed that he really tries to talk to you. Don’t you wish
we could understand what animals are trying to communicate to us. They are
so much smarter than people give them credit for. I intend to start
watching your videos and thanks for sharing.
great new series! thanks for the BPA info on that bottle.
great finds amanda!!! got to go to dollar tree, thanks for motivating to
get moving!!!
Great video! Tfs Clara
nice haul
Have never seen the sports wipes. I must find them