Get Bikini Body Ready for Summer! My Health & Fitness Routine
тαу тαуsays
I feel so unhealthy lately xD I am going to commit to this. c:
Monique Olsensays
I’m very picky, it’s a serious problem.. 🙁 I don’t like eggs,
peanutbutter, any kind of nuts and seeds and warmed vegetables and I’m
allergic to nuts..
April Icecreamsays
ur not even fit wtf?
Joy Nelsonsays
ugh why are you so perfect
How to get a bikini body:
1. Put on a bikini
elisa fishernsays
Just notice the soda says on the nutrition facts sodium- 0mg!!!
You need to quit being so judgemental and racist, Don’t act like you are
all that and that you’re better than Caitlin or Meredith. Who cares if
meredith isn’t in i
Ur book of “fit” girls she is probably prettier and nicer than you will
ever be and that gets people far in life. And wake up! There are black
people in this world yup so stop acting like she is any different, calling
her “dark skin” and “darkie” like wtf are you a child? Especially since ur
name is April “ice cream” grow up and learn to act more civilized you dumb
U actually lost so much weight!
Natalie Brentsays
I can’r believe you can get boiled eggs in the US! :D
“Avoid process and packaged foods,”
“Here’s my bag of pre cooked hard boiled eggs”
Chae Leesays
I would seriously kill for your legs.
Laura Winklersays
I LUV PEANUT BUTTER ON MY APPLE! I luv u mere bear! <3
Lauren Logansays
I was that skinny once…when I was 14! I wish I was like that again lol
Sacha Dsays
12:27 :’)
K Karen Esays
Fun Fact: Apple seed contain cyanide… You know the stuff that can kill
you? Yep (it is very mild of course but eating a lot of them can be bad for
Lily Brownsays
Thing is, I eat healthy all the time and I don't feel forced or anything, I
actually LOVE eating healthy and I haven't eaten any junk food or drunk
anything besides water and green tea and fruit smoothies in a looooooong
time but the frustrating thing is I NEVER LOSE WEIGHT!! it might be cause
im lazy and i dont exercise but ughhhh
Arianna Aguilarsays
what beach is that?
michelle cliffordsays
I feel like dear john was shooted there orr
Anna Stricklingsays
You’re so pretty!!
why are there 1000 dislikes for an awesome, perfect and really useful video
from a wonderful girl??? i don’t get people nowadays.
tbh this just made me really depressed. I don’t feel like i’ll ever be
‘enough’ unless I have a big thigh cap, a flat stomach, no stretch marks,
and no dimpled thighs. Fuckckdkdnducie
Jessy Cadenasays
What is that noise in the back round in every video
Emma Drewsays
What’s the song?
Debora Houcksays
1:59 that wild child thang in the background <3<3
I feel so unhealthy lately xD I am going to commit to this. c:
I’m very picky, it’s a serious problem.. 🙁 I don’t like eggs,
peanutbutter, any kind of nuts and seeds and warmed vegetables and I’m
allergic to nuts..
ur not even fit wtf?
ugh why are you so perfect
How to get a bikini body:
1. Put on a bikini
Just notice the soda says on the nutrition facts sodium- 0mg!!!
You need to quit being so judgemental and racist, Don’t act like you are
all that and that you’re better than Caitlin or Meredith. Who cares if
meredith isn’t in i
Ur book of “fit” girls she is probably prettier and nicer than you will
ever be and that gets people far in life. And wake up! There are black
people in this world yup so stop acting like she is any different, calling
her “dark skin” and “darkie” like wtf are you a child? Especially since ur
name is April “ice cream” grow up and learn to act more civilized you dumb
U actually lost so much weight!
I can’r believe you can get boiled eggs in the US! :D
“Avoid process and packaged foods,”
“Here’s my bag of pre cooked hard boiled eggs”
I would seriously kill for your legs.
I LUV PEANUT BUTTER ON MY APPLE! I luv u mere bear! <3
I was that skinny once…when I was 14! I wish I was like that again lol
12:27 :’)
Fun Fact: Apple seed contain cyanide… You know the stuff that can kill
you? Yep (it is very mild of course but eating a lot of them can be bad for
Thing is, I eat healthy all the time and I don't feel forced or anything, I
actually LOVE eating healthy and I haven't eaten any junk food or drunk
anything besides water and green tea and fruit smoothies in a looooooong
time but the frustrating thing is I NEVER LOSE WEIGHT!! it might be cause
im lazy and i dont exercise but ughhhh
what beach is that?
I feel like dear john was shooted there orr
You’re so pretty!!
why are there 1000 dislikes for an awesome, perfect and really useful video
from a wonderful girl??? i don’t get people nowadays.
tbh this just made me really depressed. I don’t feel like i’ll ever be
‘enough’ unless I have a big thigh cap, a flat stomach, no stretch marks,
and no dimpled thighs. Fuckckdkdnducie
What is that noise in the back round in every video
What’s the song?
1:59 that wild child thang in the background <3<3
12:28 her face is priceless