Health and Fitness New Years Resolutions (Happy New Year!)
Health and Fitness New Years Resolutions: http://absnow.com
In this video, Ben and Santa will thank you for all your support, and also remind to achieve all of your fitness and health goals for the new year!
If you’re like most people, you probably have some sort of new years resolution to lose weight, build muscle, or simply get in better shape…
So keep on watching Ben’s videos, and you’ll be able to start off your new year on the RIGHT track!
Thanks again for all your support, and stay tuned for many more new videos coming out in the new year!
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*Disclaimer: Just because you follow the advice in this video, that does not mean you will be successful at losing fat, or that it will be “easy.” Results may vary, due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation. However, I personally followed all the steps described in the video to burn off over 40 lbs. of fat, but that is my personal story.
Happy new year man and I hope you have a awesome year and its about time I
get in to shape so for my new years resolution to be healthy and get into
shape and you will be helping me do that so I thanks for advance and I will
never give up!
Happy New Years! Santa loves you! :)
Your videos r awesome man ive learned alot. And ive created my own path as
u said. I didnt like right or left so instead or turning im a just go
straight n to it beast mode. Happy new year Ben looking forward to your
next video.
Hey dude I need your help. I am an 11 yr old who weighs 169 pounds,
everytime I look in the mirror I hate myself more and more. I’ve been
cutting down the amount of food I eat. I want to do exercise but I don’t
know which ones will be effective. so im asking you to please give me tips
and exercises and healthy food to eat.
Thank you! Bro . I can feel my abs. I can touch it. But , i cannot see it
like it’s invisible. Could you tell me about that how much body fat
percentage i should have?