Health, Diet and Fitness
How I Maintain Health, Fitness and Diet. Products Used are:
Burried Treasure in the flavor “Concord Grape”
Healthforce Vitamneral Green
http://amzn.to/RtthTB 5
Sharon Diamondsays
That lip colour is everything… Love your videos keep them coming
Nice video! May I ask what lipliner you paired your lippie with?
Sparkle Jamessays
i love ur freaking videos! we have the same body type so i’m soo happy to
find someone my size who can dress!! ur freaking gorg!
Ayan Hsays
Can you make a video showing what you eat on a day ? XOXO
You should try substituting your sugar with Sweet Leaf. It’s made from
stevia, which your body metabolizes completely differently than sugar. It
is both natural and organic. Try looking into it. I couldn’t give up sugar,
so I just substitute it.
I actually like ground turkey better than beef
Pork isn’t red meat.
Tracy Timberlakesays
You look fantastic! Totally in the genes 🙂
Do you really portion control your TEA? :/ That seems a bit extreme. Tea
virtually has no calories (and water has none)… A little extra water
isn’t going to make you fat… :/
Cotrina Storysays
good tips, simple. I actually watch youtube as one way t get in workouts
You look great, I have the same philosophy, portion control & turkey
instead of beef etc. Keeps us slim:)
did you say you are 140 or 114 pounds?
Toni Alexsays
Hi, I like your videos, just curious are you part Jamaican?
Food dairy video!
Alexis Brownsays
114? That’s not a healthy BMI for your height.
entona ntetsikasays
You should try cinnamon as a sweetener.Trust me……..Heaven.❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨
114? I’m 117 and I’m 5’1. You must be really slender. Great lip color.
That lip colour is everything… Love your videos keep them coming
Nice video! May I ask what lipliner you paired your lippie with?
i love ur freaking videos! we have the same body type so i’m soo happy to
find someone my size who can dress!! ur freaking gorg!
Can you make a video showing what you eat on a day ? XOXO
You should try substituting your sugar with Sweet Leaf. It’s made from
stevia, which your body metabolizes completely differently than sugar. It
is both natural and organic. Try looking into it. I couldn’t give up sugar,
so I just substitute it.
I actually like ground turkey better than beef
Pork isn’t red meat.
You look fantastic! Totally in the genes 🙂
Do you really portion control your TEA? :/ That seems a bit extreme. Tea
virtually has no calories (and water has none)… A little extra water
isn’t going to make you fat… :/
good tips, simple. I actually watch youtube as one way t get in workouts
You look great, I have the same philosophy, portion control & turkey
instead of beef etc. Keeps us slim:)
did you say you are 140 or 114 pounds?
Hi, I like your videos, just curious are you part Jamaican?
Food dairy video!
114? That’s not a healthy BMI for your height.
You should try cinnamon as a sweetener.Trust me……..Heaven.❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨
114? I’m 117 and I’m 5’1. You must be really slender. Great lip color.
You’ve inspired me just now!
your very beautiful, love the lipstick :)