Health, Fitness and Lifestyle Q&A
Questions and what time the appear in the video:
Minute 1:5 – I’m a nursing student and my schedule is always changing. How do I find time?
Minute 5:3 – How to stay motivated with a family/children. Ways to improve motivation
Minute 8:28 – Would white bread/white rice affect having abs?
Minute 10:22 – What is your opinion on fasted cardio? How does it work?
Minute 11:35 – Fat vs Muscle? I’m trying to lose fat but I’m putting on too much muscle at this point
Minute 13:32 Do I need to add protein powder to my diet if I’m lifting regularly?
Minute 15:21 – BCAA’s What do they do and do I need them?
Minute 16:33 – What is the difference between soy, whey and casein protein powder?
Minute 18:13 – Fruit: Is it good or bad to eat?
Minute 20:27 – Spurlina: Is it good or bad and what does it do for your body?
Minute 21:49 – What ingredients should I add to a smoothie to aid in fat loss?
Minute 23:06 – How do I beat cellulite?
Minute 25:53 – what are your opinions on thermogenics?
Minute 28:27 – How to combat sweets cravings and substitutes to have instead of sweets
Minute 32:35 – how much water should I be drinking in a day?
Minute 34: 19 – How much cardio should I be doing for weight loss?
My email for inquiries or further questions: FitWithFelicia@Gmail.com
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CreateaHealthyLife/
I really enjoyed your video!
Soy protein is not the best for men to have because it increases estrogen
levels. It’s okay for women to have 🙂 I would just buy organic soy because
the regular kind is genetically modified.
Love the video! Thanks and I must try that yogi tea
good vids bro, subscribe back im just a young pup starting out on this
youtube game!