Health & Fitness Update! 🙂
I thrive on the support, encouragement, inspiration and love that is given through comments and emails, and most often they lift my spirits and make my day, every day.Thank you guys so much. Each positive and encouraging thought helps me keep sharing on this channel, and I try and answer every question asked. ♥
* And if you want to check out my LOVE STORY you can read all about how I found the love of my life!
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Snail Mail:
Kisha Jaggers
PO Box 405
Gramling SC 29348 – 0405
Roxanne Joyner says
Look at you, girl!!! 🙂 I’m so proud of you. Work it Girl!!! 🙂 🙂 :-)
HuhNee Bee says
Awesome!! I just started walking myself and tracking my daily meals with my
fitness pal app….so glad to have a buddy to do it with
Amanda Shappy says
I also started a health and fitness journey, I lost 13 lbs in 30 days!
OrganizeAndSave says
The light headed feeling may come from not having enough calories before
working out (: this used to happen to me so I started to eat a banana (or
2) before intensive workouts and it’s really gone away…I hope this
helps!!! :)
Black Dahlia says
Yoga is my favorite… specifically the dvd Piyo. Best workout ever do it
daily it’s not too strenuous and I’m thinner then ever within just a few
months. Keep up good work… you gotta start somewhere and you’re doing
great. Get a friend or a workout buddy it’s easier that way to have the
support :-)
Kaila Rhoden says
Good for you! So sorry to hear about your Aunt. 
Sue~tsnbjj says
I was talking to someone about how I get dizzy after exercise sometimes and
they said it may be that I need to give myself a little fuel before
exercise by eating a little healthy snack about an hour before exercise.
Increased activity causes the blood sugar to drop, so a little snack like
half a peanut butter sandwich or even a cup of juice can help prevent it
(if that’s what is happening with you). If you feel it while you are
exercising, you need to stop immediately though! I’ve always heard that.
If it continues, see a doctor to rule out anything medical. Better to be
safe than sorry!
Dulce Robles says
I feel light headed also. It helps when you stop walking slowly. Slow the
speed gradually. I think it happens because we’re walking in one spot which
is not natural. When I go for a walk I don’t really feel the dizziness.
Good for you Kisha!
MsBeth54 says
Hi kisha, sorry to hear about your aunt, will say prayers for your family.
Also been putting off my treadmill sessions and wow open this video up and
there u are walking away!!! :)) i guess that’s a kick in my rear to get
busy. :)) when u go to Trader Joe’s look at a seasoning called “Everyday
Seasoning” it’s got a variety of seasonings that are very enjoyable!!
Also has a grinder top, it’s a trader joe brand. Ok will end this post with
a keep walking on that treadmill girl. ;)
Laken N Gary says
I feel dizzy every time I get off the treadmill! I think it’s because we
are walking in one spot and not actually going anywhere. lol because I
don’t get dizzy when I go for walks outside. If you think about it you are
up on the treadmill kind of higher than the ground walking in one place
then you get down and it’s like whoa! lol I lost 55 lbs a year ago and if I
can do it then anyone can because I don’t know how many times I said I was
going to start until I actually MADE myself do it. It helped that I put it
out there on social media kinda like you with this video and stuff. It kind
of gives you more motivation because you told people. You can do it if you
really want to. It’s all in your mind! I had to trick myself into a lot of
stuff at first. HAHA like no mountain dew and fast food was my big thing.
Then I got to where I didn’t crave it anymore and the time that I did drink
or eat some junk food it taste bad! I thought that was weird. I feel SO
MUCH BETTER now and would have never thought that it would be such a huge
change. I was so lazy before and felt bad all the time. Now, I have more
energy and can actually run and play with the kids. Not marathons or
anything but I can hold my own in a game of freeze tag without feeling like
I’m dying now. :P
Mashell Pumphrey says
Aaawww, go Kisha. Your right start slow. I use to feel light headed to, I
had a personal trainer, and that was a complaint of mine to. I was told
because of the blood moving fast through the body. He had me start at a
slow pace for two 5 min then increase speed. After walking heavy for 30
min, then did a cool down for 5 min. For a total of 40 min. It is real
important to do the cool down, to lower the heart rate slowly. Walk your
speed then lower the speed by 2 every minute to min and half. So if you are
4.0 go to 3.8 for 1 min then 3.6 until your at a real slow speed. That
helped a lot. I think this is great, will join in and workout with you. So
excited. :)
OwlYouNeedIsHealth says
Kisha! I didn’t know you were trying to quit smoking, I think I must’ve
missed that. That is really awesome. I have been through cancer personally
and I love seeing people take steps towards being healthier in any way 🙂
I’m looking forward to following along.
foxymardy says
I think it’s so good that you’re doing this. I used to HATE working out but
one day I was walking to class and I felt my inner thighs hurting, i found
it had blisters because I had a poor diet and I didn’t walk very much.
That’s my wake up call. I started with walking and yoga too and now I’m
full on sprinting and hitting the weights. I couldn’t even walk properly
when I started but I kept doing it till I can sprint up the hill. It’s
better to start small and ease into it so you would eventually think of it
as part of your routine. Once you see a change you’ll feel great. Proud of
Jessica M. says
Hi Kisha, I have a polar heart rate monitor. Check them out on Amazon 😉
It’s much more accurate and comes with a heart rate chest strap. I love
watching YT videos when I’m running on my treadmill, makes the time go by
quicker :)
JannDoug says
I am about to start a similar workout program at home, my hubby is big into
working out and we have a complete gym in our home. So looking forward to
dropping the almost 20 I gan
Ones since late summer as no outdoors walking here in Ohio as a e have not
seen the grass since Thanksgivng we still have about two feet of snow on
the ground and temps in the negatives. Good luck on your journey!! also on
stopping the smoking, hubby did it quickly really cold turkey 18 years ago.
Have a great day I enjoy your videos. Thanks, Jan
Nur Baizura says
Hi Kisha here’s your big fan from Singapore.I love watching your vlogs. Btw
u are doing great keep it up and as for your feeling light headed after on
a threadmill, it’s your heart as it’s been at rest so when it’s time for it
to work n pump fast for your blood to flow so tts why u will feel light
headed after u workout..but if u’re anemic..low in blood, that could also
be one of the reason. I have low blood but i still workout coz as soon as
ur body n ur heart are used to it, u’ll be ok so keep going!!!
NEKKE D says
Good luck on your journey…. you can do it:)
Maleesa Paradis says
Good for you!!!
saintgirl says
Proud of you for cutting back on Mountain Dew! Even more so on the
smoking! My mom died of emphysema and it was a painful death for her. I
used to be dizzy getting off the treadmill too. It is motion sickness.
You will get used to it. I did.
Susie lekool says
lol i love that you said sorry for no make up 😀 your such a pretty woman
with or without it ! I never bother putting mine make up on till after
workout and shower but then i dont go to a gym just walk/run on trail by
house n videos at home . GL with the quitting smoking its very very very
worthwhile , keep working on it , even if it takes a bit to quit at least
you will 🙂 . 
Itty Bittyspaces says
Hi Kisha, good on you for trying to better your health! Please take this
post in the intention of sincere concern. I really REALLY cannot emphasize
enough how important it would be for you to go to the doctor before
starting an exercise regime. Especially because you are a smoker,
overweight, (but beautiful:)) almost 40 and live a sedentary lifestyle.
Especially with your bring easily out of breath and dizzy after walking.
It’s just really important to be sure you are healthy enough to actually
start working out. I’m not trying to scare you but there isn’t any way on
the outside to see an underlying condition, people have actually had
serious medical events occur after starting an exercise routine because
they didn’t realize they had issues (particularly cardiac). I’m just saying
this because I am concerned, not at all a judgement on you. I think your
efforts are awesome, I just wanted to emphasize doctors care. Take care! 
Emily Christine says
You go girl! You’re so smart to start small and just focus on your health.
Before I had lost 85 pounds exercise would make me super light headed to,
just focus on deep breaths and keeping a consistent heart rate. The work
pays off – I promise!
Java and Jingerbread says
Great to hear you’re quitting smoking. Is your hubby trying as well! 
Spanky Cola says
Continue the race! Great job
WillowandPaisley says
Please please please take your dog for a walk outside for those 30 minutes.
It would be so good for both of you and he will enjoy it. Every dog is
worth taking the effort to take for a walk!!! You might surprise yourself
how good the fresh air is for you and how well you will sleep at night.