How I Stay Fit & Healthy
I get a lot of questions regarding health and fitness, so I figured it could be useful to discuss my philosophy on fitness and nutrition! Finding a lifestyle that makes you feel amazing is a very personal journey, and I don’t think there is a universal answer other than: exercise regularly and eat fresh, whole foods. Do it your way, finding your personal truth will make it an ongoing passion, and not just a mere list of directions.
Instagram: http://instagram.com/cloudyapples_
Blog: http://www.cloudyapples.ca/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CloudyApples
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/realcloudyapples
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cloudyapples
The Kettle-Bell video I speak so highly of: http://tinyurl.com/lbqodap
The 10 Minute Plank involves me putting on some good music or a movie and being in a continuous plank for 10 minutes. I rotate between a regular high-plank, a dolphin plank, and side planks when I start to get tired. It’s a lot of fun, especially when Terry does it with me :P. If you’re going to try it, check your form. If your form isn’t good you could be hurting your back rather than toning your body.
The Vinyasa is a short, continuous flow of Yoga movements, taught to me by my very good friend, Mimi.
Diet: My diet is very broad and constantly changing. I do not strictly adhere to any rules. But I mostly eat fresh local food. A few things I ALWAYS have on hand include garlic, parsley, pineapple, broccoli, apples, oranges, bananas, spinach, onions, sundried tomatoes, macadamia nuts and cashews.
I use a Vitamix, if you’re wondering whether it’s worth it or not, I did a lengthy blog post on the topic: http://www.cloudyapples.ca/is-a-vitamix-worth-it/
Recipes for Soup and Salad seen in the video:
Red Pepper Soup (hers is served raw, mine is served warm, I also like to add pepper, basil and parsley on top): http://tinyurl.com/np3m4d8
Salad: http://tinyurl.com/mrkfc9p
I also realized that “fit” is the British version of “hot”. I didn’t mean it that way. I meant it as another word for in shape; strong, lean, and physically able.
CarlyO1092 says
Terry hahahahahah that was great
AlexaHuang says
Hello! A very different question… Next week I have an interview at an
university, and I am really nervous because they only accept 1/3 of the
applicants >.<… I just feel like a normal student with average grades,
any tips to help me :x? Also, I love your videos, they are always amazing!
CloudyApples says
Everything I spoke about from exercise to food is discussed in detail with
links where applicable in the description box, so don’t forget to check
that out! Thank you for your beautiful comments, I read and appreciate all
of them <3
Lucie Elizabeth says
Do you have a blog where you post recipes/what you eat? Id love some ideas!
KreativMe Xo says
the picture in the background freaks me out
torrey26 says
Terry with pink lipstick, LOL!
themakeuploverxoxo says
can you please do more healthy recipe vids? It would be extremely helpful:)
Funda Kartal says
what are you doing for youre teeth please do a video
wecameaszade says
Cass how tall are you? Have you tried modelling?
Lea K. says
I think you have the best attitude ever. I love how you say, you don’t
follow “diet rules” because I always thought to myself that they sound so
restrictive and eating is supposed to be fun, not something that has strict
guide lines. Since you always give amazing advice, I have a question: My
mother is an amazing person but when I try to convince her to cook
healthier she tends to tell be that I don’t appreciate that she always
cooks for us. I do and I always tell her that but I feel like she finds
that whole concept of eating healthy most of the time stupid. I don’t know
how to convince her, can you help me somehow? I also cook for the family
sometimes and we all like it but she still isn’t convinced..
VanillaLooks says
Sadly I’ve been doing exactly what you just said for over 6 months now and
I am not losing weight, it just stopped after a month or 2.
Janie Lagandaon says
You are sooo amazing! I’ve been one of those anorexic, yo yo dieters that
wouldn’t eat past 5, but now that i’m a great cook and started going to a
gym I LOVE everything seems a lot better. :)
chtitmog says
I agree 100% on what you say. I lost 10kg (around 20 pounds) so far since I
began eating fresh whole foods and exercise after years of fighting my
obesity with stupid fad/only protein diets with no results. My weight loss
sure is slow but I feel great, my skin glows and my hair is super shiny.
Kassie, your videos really helped me and continue to inspire me. I always
say this when I watch and comment on your videos but I really mean it every
time: thank you very much! <3 Davie
AllThatCuteness101 says
Cassie I was curious if you ever go to the naam? Love it so much as a local
vancouverite! Ive also been wanting to try tera v burger! Its supposidly
vegetarian healthy delicious wholesome burgers 🙂
Veronica Rae Saron says
LOVE This. So true – a lot of people ask me what my “diet” or “fitness”
routine is because I have this reputation for being a “healthy person”
among my friends, but honestly, it’s what you said: it depends on what
works for you to keep you moving and eating good stuff :)
Dave Wilson says
At 2:29 you say “Planks and …” something which I don’t know what you’re
saying. Can you tell me what it is please?
SunKissAlba says
Booyaaaa! right on point!
LoveDayandAge says
How did the soup come out steaming from the blender? And where did you get
your sweater?
4everInTheClouds says
That kettle bell workout you linked to is awesome. I have only been doing
it for two days and i already feel better.
Adete Dahiya says
Hey, i see you have a bigger bust size. It would be helpful if you could
tell me where you buy lingerie from, because i don’t seem to be able to
find a good bra that fits me perfectly.
Simply Maggie says
Very well said, I LOVED this video!
Sweetiepop says
Loved this vid!
shockingpink100 says
I really liked this – reminded me why I like fitness because it’s to make
my body happy not stress it!
Amber Serafina says
I’ve been eating vegan for 6 days now and I’ve already lost 3 pounds! It’s
amazing what a small lifestyle change can do 🙂 I’m 17, 5″6 and now weigh
Saleina Bailey says
This is brilliant.