Live Chat with Dr. Bellonzi – Health and Fitness
Live Chat with Dr. Bellonzi – Health and Fitness 4.5
what do you think of Shilajit supplement
what kind of fruits do you recommend to loss weight the most if you eat it
Casey Jonessays
my mom has headaches nearly four times a week and she wont take any
supplements for it other than asprin.
Daniel Tsays
theres pepsi with real sugar that tastes nothing like pepsi throwback that
also was made with sugar. ingredients/contents look the same. what can they
be hiding in the sugar ingredient and
Daniel Tsays
and will other companies follow suit with labeling things sugar that arent
Casey Jonessays
Another question I have bad sinus problems and we have tried nearly
Daniel Tsays
brownie points to ppl exercising during the live chat
Lana Dutchersays
Daniel T dont drink soda at all.
Do frozen vegetables retain more nutrients than fresh as there bagged at
source without being degraded by traveling long distances ?
if you dont exercise but you walk around in the house and do chores and eat
fruits is tht heathy?
Cruz Densays
Is it bad to eat too much granola? I have trouble finding healthy snacks
and granola is usually my preferred snack.
Daniel Tsays
i’d hate to see american supermarkets like some euro ones that dont put
preservatives in foods. the fresh foods are all gone by 4 or 5 pm when
everyone gets off work lol
What about macadamia nuts?
what about coming out of “starvation mode”. I was a yo-yo dieter and I’ve
heard that going back to normal eating will make you gain weight faster and
you’ll pack on more!
how many calories should the AVERAGE woman eat (not overweight, not
underweight, slightly active) to be HEALTHY and only gain the weight needed
for health. This goes along with eating disorders.
ok then Mexican food are thier any healthy food that you may know tht are
heathy to eat or any unheathy food tht can gain fat?
will the body reach a “set point”/happy weight Naturally??? I’m so
confused. It’s just keeps that cycle of dieting going for A LOT of women
who are afraid of gaining the weight back but are STARVING!
Daniel Tsays
lol it seems like whenever food from other countries come to america it
turns into unhealthy fast foods. chinese, mexican and so on
Daniel Tsays
thanks dr for answering all our questions and for hte fun live chat have a
great weekend
Debbie Greziksays
My husband has hemorrhoids, is surgery the only way to get rid of them or
is there a natural way other then diet which we are working o. Thank you
Thx for the info Dr. always a good discussion here
Ashkan M.says
Can you plz explain about stevia or other sugar sweeteners? In paleo diet’s
So healthcare should open the doors of hospitals to the morbidly obese, the
heroin addict, the alcoholic, but turn away smokers? An addiction is
addiction. Let’s get them the help they need to quit. Yeah, there’s a lot
of websites/ info out there, but not nearly as much help as there is for
other addictions, at least not yet.
Larrechard Juan Ignacio Gonzalezsays
Thank you very much Dr for the information! Saludos
what do you think of Shilajit supplement
what kind of fruits do you recommend to loss weight the most if you eat it
my mom has headaches nearly four times a week and she wont take any
supplements for it other than asprin.
theres pepsi with real sugar that tastes nothing like pepsi throwback that
also was made with sugar. ingredients/contents look the same. what can they
be hiding in the sugar ingredient and
and will other companies follow suit with labeling things sugar that arent
Another question I have bad sinus problems and we have tried nearly
brownie points to ppl exercising during the live chat
Daniel T dont drink soda at all.
Do frozen vegetables retain more nutrients than fresh as there bagged at
source without being degraded by traveling long distances ?
if you dont exercise but you walk around in the house and do chores and eat
fruits is tht heathy?
Is it bad to eat too much granola? I have trouble finding healthy snacks
and granola is usually my preferred snack.
i’d hate to see american supermarkets like some euro ones that dont put
preservatives in foods. the fresh foods are all gone by 4 or 5 pm when
everyone gets off work lol
What about macadamia nuts?
what about coming out of “starvation mode”. I was a yo-yo dieter and I’ve
heard that going back to normal eating will make you gain weight faster and
you’ll pack on more!
how many calories should the AVERAGE woman eat (not overweight, not
underweight, slightly active) to be HEALTHY and only gain the weight needed
for health. This goes along with eating disorders.
ok then Mexican food are thier any healthy food that you may know tht are
heathy to eat or any unheathy food tht can gain fat?
will the body reach a “set point”/happy weight Naturally??? I’m so
confused. It’s just keeps that cycle of dieting going for A LOT of women
who are afraid of gaining the weight back but are STARVING!
lol it seems like whenever food from other countries come to america it
turns into unhealthy fast foods. chinese, mexican and so on
thanks dr for answering all our questions and for hte fun live chat have a
great weekend
My husband has hemorrhoids, is surgery the only way to get rid of them or
is there a natural way other then diet which we are working o. Thank you
Thx for the info Dr. always a good discussion here
Can you plz explain about stevia or other sugar sweeteners? In paleo diet’s
So healthcare should open the doors of hospitals to the morbidly obese, the
heroin addict, the alcoholic, but turn away smokers? An addiction is
addiction. Let’s get them the help they need to quit. Yeah, there’s a lot
of websites/ info out there, but not nearly as much help as there is for
other addictions, at least not yet.
Thank you very much Dr for the information! Saludos