Morning Routine! Fitness/ Workout & Healthy Breakfast!
Morning Routine for days that I work out and go to the gym! Watch me get ready and cook a healthy breakfast!
Style Me on the Hunt with the hashtag #MamaMiaMakeup
The Hunt:
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Music by Savannah Outen:
Make sure you give this video a thumbs up if you’d like to see a fitness
I sleep saying that tomorrow morning I’ll work out blah blah blah and then
the next morning I’m like “Who am I kidding? That’ll never happen!”
fitness and diet routine would be great! 😀
The first song?
what is this music name 00.00-00.13
finally a beauty guru who actually eats a decent breakfast! love this! (:
you inspire me so much in my videos, and i just hit 5K <3 you're amazing!
Is she spanish?
I think she forgot the giveway lol.i love her
diet routine would be greaattt:)
I downloaded the app a long time ago like a year actually … and it is
amazing !!! You know when you see those cute clothes stuff that you have to
have, that just give us a really huge help!!
(twitter: patricia1dever)
Whats on your nails?! PLEASE REPLY I LOVE IT
anybody know what the first background song name ?
Where’d you get your shoes? Sooooo adorable!!
what is this wiggle remix at the beginning called ? :)) ♥
Wheres your water bottle from?
Pause at 4:07 it says 11:46 and she said she wakes up at 7 or 8
What is your surname
Those shoes are ugly….
What camera do you use? x
To me she sounds British not to be mean kinda wierd that you sound British.
Hey… Where’s the giveaway!
Hey Mia I just wanted to ask u a question because u died ur hair blonde and
its naturally brown my hair is the exact same but I have an ombré with
brown my natural hair at the top and blonde at the bottom I was wondering
if ur hair turned green and I’m not just the only one and its natural