My 2015 Resolutions: Finances, Health/Fitness, Personal Goals
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Intro-IdleEarth (http://idleearth.newgrounds.com/)
This is not a sponsored video. All products mentioned were purchased with my own money or gifted to me. I will always share my honest opinion of everything that I try and review on my channel. I will never accept payment in exchange for a positive review. Some links above may be affiliate.
My resolution for 2015 is to journal everyday. I think it’d be a good way
to decompress, and it would also be amazing to read my journals 20+ years
from now :)
I would definitely be interested in a fitness and health videos. Whether
it’s what I eat in a day, or even what u find motivating 🙂
We have some similar goals. For finances, I am limiting myself to 12 makeup
products for the entire year. I started a retirement fund this year and I
really want to keep saving! For fitness, I recently started going to kick
boxing classes 3x/week and I want to continue with that. I definitely need
to eat healthier. I was never really taught how to cook so I eat a lot of
processed foods which is so bad!! Best of luck with your goals!
What a great video. Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? He has some great ideas
about finding financial peace. I am starting his program in January. If you
go to his website you can download his budget forms. Happy New Year! & may
all your dreams dome true!
Yes! 2015 is the year im getting my life in order. My health is definetly
the first thing on my list. Ive already set some of my plan in motion…cut
out coffee 🙁 hard but it must be done…im on this crazy cycle where i
need coffee to function during the day and then need tylenol pm to sleep!
Its crazy and not normal! Anyway, im putting a stop to a lot of bad habits
starting jan 1st. So im in !!
Have you tried you need a budget? My fiancé uses it and it has helped us a
Good resolutions girl! I love that you are going to reward yourself with
skydiving 🙂 ♥ Elle
We have some of the same goals. I am thinking about doing to the 30 day
plan with Abby as well and can’t wait to hear how you do! I have decided to
do a no buy for makeup until April 1st. 🙂
I was literally writing mine out right before I saw this was posted! Thanks
for sharing!
I’ve only gone skydiving ONCE…and it was in Arizona!?! (…and I live in
Nebraska!) I went at Skydive Arizona. They were wonderful :)
Aww melissa sory to hear to about you fam but this year will be better you
are so beautiful and sweet ! Im going to start insanity work out from beach
body i highly recomend it !
Melissa can you do a video on how you lost your first 60lb. I think I will
join her program, it’s always more fun to workout with a buddy than go it
alone. I was planning on starting a new plan on jan 1 to. Maybe once a week
you could do an update video and anyone who signed up could update in the
Happy New Year Melissa!
Awww Mel, you can definitely do everything you mentioned in this video! I
too, am a curvy girl and have struggled with my weight for as long as I can
remember. Every year my resolution is to lose weight and get in shape. 🙁
It’s so hard though.
I wish you & your family the best this upcoming year and can’t wait to
watch your progress! Hopefully it can motivate me to stay on track. 🙂 Good
PS – I love your videos! Every time I see that you posted a new video I get
super excited! Keep up the great work! xoxo
What a fun video! I loved this! Good luck with your resolutions in 2015
Small goals are always the way to go. Then when you reach one it encourages
you to keep going. This year we hope to buy a house. It’s scary and
exciting all at once. We’ll be starting shortly after the new year. First
goal get approved for a mortgage. I also need to set a budget. I’ve always
wanted to go skydiving. Maybe I’ll join you
Um, I’m a Mama and this Mam ias also saying NO about the skydiving!!!!
Heavens! How about a really challenging game of miniature golf? I know
you’ll do great on your health….even without the skydiving reward.
Seriously, great video and excellent goals. Cheers, Happy New Year, Lulu
Great goals! Skydiving is awesome! You’ll love it! It’s one of the most
amazing things I’ve done. It’s actually a very peaceful experience. Well,
after you fly at 120 mph for a few seconds..
Really enjoyed hearing your plans and resolutions! I went sky diving in
college (it was on my bucket list). Very fun! Can’t wait to hear about your
experience (you should vlog it!!) my roommate had a video made of her
jumping out the plane and her experience on the way down.
2014 was the year I lost my mother, so I feel your loss of your family
member as well. I don’t usually make resolutions but this year am aiming to
make sure those I love know how I feel and to appreciate those things that
give me joy.I have a wonderful supportive ,loving family and they are
everything! So to srartt off the new year, thank you , to you and Momma
Bee, for providing some entertainment and laughter and joy. You have been a
nice place to land and thank you for just sharing and being who you are.
May the new year being you joy and laughter and mostly, love.
Happy New Year!
I would love health videos!
My goals for this year is to bring my lunch to school almost everyday and
have those meals be somewhat healthy and graduate from the dental assisting
program I started this past fall. Always am looking forward to your videos
Sky Diving! Eek!! You are braver then moi girl!! Thanks for sharing I
totally believe you can achieve all of these 🙂
Love ya!
Steph xo
I want to join you in the 30 ,I’m a day thing. I gained 30 lbs just this
past year from grad school stress and I’m starting to feel the effects from
not really fitting into anything to my back constantly hurting (most of
thee weight gained has been on my stomach)
You have great resolutions this year! I have similar goals in mind too and
was just thinking about what I was going to have as my resolutions, I want
to try and use up all the wonderful products and makeup items up before
purchasing any more, trying to save money and not spend on luxury items I
don’t need, getting fit and working out everyday, and trying to focus more
on my studies in university. I am also wanting to try to upload more videos
on YouTube and not just watch lol. I love all your videos and get super
excited when I see you add a new one! You are so down to earth and I am
happy you are so honest and helpful with your reviews and talk about what
you do everyday. A lot of people are super fake on here and are so
superficial, I am glad you are such a nice down to earth person and so
relatable! Happy new year and good luck with everything in 2015!