My Health & Fitness Journey + Advocare!!
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Disclaimer: I purchased everything myself! I am not a health guru, just a girl taking control of my own wellness.
Let me know if you want me to do more videos like this on my journey! Follow along the way http://www.instagram.com/naturallyvibing
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I am obsessed with your videos!
I love you soooooo much kayla like you don’t even understand. Lol I
probably sound like a stalker
Love you Kayla !!!!
Kayla you seriously look amazing girl! So natural and glowey
Guys HELP me with the name of the song from the intro!!!!
how could someone contact for an business idea? I want to sent you some
jewelry from my website..
Could you do more health food videos? Really need some inspiration right
now x
I don’t know why but I’m addicted to your blog channel and just your
lifestyle just watching the way you live your life makes me addicted. Any
way love you land please do a shout out video or a favorite fan comments
video c: smoochies
are your nails acrylic or gel?? they look so good!
Yayy! I really want to try this out
What type of camera do you use?
Ayee #leonation
I dont mean to sound rude, I love you! But! Isnt the ingredients bad in
that stuff? My sister was taking it, and it said it had plastic in it and
Nice eyebrows
I want to do the challenge but are there certain things we can and can’t
eat, cus I live on a college campus so I’m not in control of what they
decide to cook, ya know?
Yay I’ve been waiting for this :)
I love your couch so much more like that!
HEY Kayla did you show a picture of you wearing your Bday dress?
Where’s the cardigan from luv it ?
Love you Kayla! You go gurl ✌
I will most definitely be trying the 24 day challenge I’m so happy you made
this video it really explained a lot for me thank you sooo much loooove you
Love you so much Kayla!!! Good luck on your challenge!!