Scottish Ballet Health & Fitness Episode 4: Summer Fit
Summer Fit is the fourth in our series of exercise downloads designed to help tone, lengthen and strengthen muscles this time with designed to tone legs, stomach and upper body whilst also introducing light weights for the first time.
Watch our full Health & Fitness series here on our YouTube channel or over at our website:
reginamirow90 says
VeiledGlory says
I have really enjoyed the first three videos – thank you for making another
persuasion austen says
Love it! Very fun and challenging. 🙂
flopellegrini says
Great exercises ; just what I need after some cardio workouts! Thank you 🙂
배 미선 says
Yura Kuleshiv says
Good day! I’m Hannah.I did -30 lbs in 2 weeks.Visit hawght.so
MrRatherino says
YOWZAAA AND HOOTMON! Scottish/Scotch to this first gen Yank/great and
hoping for some great results….little yapping and real pros at this..
wownouser says
Great videos. thank you for uploading!
supersunshineglasses says
Love these!!
simran3209 says
if you dudes would like to get ripped more quickly without spending a
single extra minute in the gym, then you should look at this online video
SIXPP.COM I wanted to tell her that she was the first beautiful thing I had
seen in three years. That the sight of her yawning to the back of her hand
was enought to drive the breath from me