Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper Review
From http://famouspt.com/ “Famous” Physical Therapists, Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck, review a new product that Bob found on Amazon. Find out the goods and bads and what the over all thoughts are on this product.
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Check out Bob’s Kindle book on Amazon, “Three Simple Steps to Treat Back Pain” here: http://www.amazon.com/Three-Simple-Steps-Treat-Back-ebook/dp/B00BPU4O5G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1383052830&sr=8-1&keywords=bob+schrupp+back+pain
Informative review; thank you! I would love to know what product in this
genre you might recommend. (where genre= home / small size / quiet –
something you could do in front of the TV, for example.)
Thanks for the review. You saved me $50. Can you offer any similar items
that 1) will get more of an aerobic workout and 2) is built better and 3)
is compact. I’ve tried the glider machines with handles and they don’t seem
to offer much of a workout either. I am wanting something to get the blood
flowing while taking a break from computer work. Something I can do while
watching tv would be great. Thanks.