Top 6 Source of Carbohydrates | Health and Fitness Tips | Guru Mann
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information rich .. thanx a lot
hello sir
started following your program from last week and imm happy with routine
and 1 question
right now i ran out of protein powder and i cant afford right now , as u
mention in the nutrtion plan is it safe to consume raw egg whites in
post workout shake? and can i have it daily ? can i add milk to it?
Best indian bodybuilding channel no 1
Best Indian fitness channel ever
can you please make a video on how to consume eggs…like raw white
eggs..or boiled eggs…and how much should we consume every day….that
kind of stuff…i will really appreciate that…:)
1)I eat bananas post workout along with whey.Also during the day I eat
bananas.I heard somewhere that bananas are artificially ripened and are not
safe for your body.Can you please help me with this.
Mann sir again same question ..why dont u suggest one gud brand dat is
avaliable in indian market for all these 6 gud sources of carbs so dat one
shud go and ask straight away for the particular brand instead of luking
after whole market and wasting our precious time……
guys guru mann give true info about everything…..!
big fan from the uk brother big up!