Walmart Haul | Health & Fitness!
Nothing like some new workout gear & yummy fruit to get you motivated! I hope you guys enjoyed this video!
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On the pink jacket the Walmart cashier could have changed the price to $5.
GIRRRRRL walmart is my JAM! I have the same leggings in a different print!
LOVE the avia line!! And you’re right about the almonds….my FAVORITE nut
by far! 🙂
I’m obsessed with all these fittnessy videos! OBSESSED GURL!!
Im so glad you did this video ive been look for cute but affordable workout
clothes. I love the way i look i used to be 125 now im 185 but im having
trouble breathing even when i sit doctors have suggested i loose a little
weight my goal is at least 160 but if i could get to 155 that would be
great. Between my mom you and loeylane ive never had a problem with my
weight or how i look to everyone else.
Love you! Your haul was so fun! I did a walmart run over the weekend for
protein & yes all precut fruit, etc is what I always want to choose! Love
the workout clothes! Can’t beat the prices!
Have you tried wasabi soy almonds? They are literally the best!
Hello lovely! I really really enjoy your channel & your message but it
bothers me that some people seem to think that body positivity means it’s
not okay to try to change the body. I know you don’t necessarily think that
but for a long time I was embarrassed about working out because admitting
that I wanted to workout felt like admitting that I wasn’t happy enough
with my body as it is…which is totally untrue. Then I realized I can want
to work out and work out and want to change my body and be body positive.
The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Body positive (in my mind) means loving
oneself…and embracing our bodies in their current forms, while also
striving to live our most authentic lives. If that means moving into a more
healthy lifestyle which results in the body changing, that is still body
positive. (This is more of a self rant than anything…just had to get it
out there haha).
Mine boobs are not nuggets but if i dont wear a good bra I feel like im
gonan knock myself out with my boobs LOL. Oh btw old navy online has such
cute workout gear. 🙂 Love ya xx
boob nuggets lol i am getting ready to start Zumba I am so scared! I need
to get me some outfits from walmart. I do not think I deserve it until I
go a few times though. Thanks for sharing. I am old enough to be your
mama but I think your so inspiring to any age. You are a beautiful
person! blessings
Girl, Old navy is my jam for workout clothes! and when they have sales they
are so cheap and SO well made. Also get a lot of my workout tops from
goodwill can’t beat that! but old navy is the place for workout pants! I’m
obsessed with workout gear since its pretty much all I wear most days of
the week, So i gotta looks cute! Gotta feel cute to get inspired LOL. Also
you don’t have to explain why you wanna work out, just do you! whatever
makes you happy and makes you feel good, DO IT! Get it girl! I always buy
precut cantaloup and apples lol but i feel you get a lot more and I’m also
lazy AF when it comes to cutting up fruit LOL. Love you and your videos!
I love the Walmart workout line. It’s affordable and good quality for what
you pay! I love all the stuff you got!
I prefer the cut up fruit too. I’m not a fruit eater- I’m all about the
veggies. If it’s already prepped there’s no excuse to not eat them.
Thanks!! Hugs from Indiana!
girllll you are the bomb. I love the variety in your videos. you don’t need
to justify yourself – it’s about health at the end of the day – everyone is
beautiful no matter what size and that’s something I have come I understand
since I started watching your videos a year ago. you inspire me everyday.
thank you 🙂
Get some transfer/iron on paper, download some Pink/VS logos, print them
out, iron them on, and VOILA, you got some VS workout gear! I mean
honestly all you’re paying for is the label.
Sad little nuggets! I’m dying!
Now I want pineapple D: … and work out clothes … and someone to text
me x_x
Not sure why, but I never think of Walmart for workout clothes!! I’ll be
going soon!
Could you do some more workout/health videos? 🙂 Maybe like a what’s in my
gym bag, tips for motivation, healthy food ideas and stuff like that? I’m
trying to get into the habit of going to the gym and eating better as well.
Love your videos xo
Girl old navy is where you can get some good quality workout gear at a low
price and then they always have coupons… There is an app that I use to
look up coupons for clothing stores such as. It’s called SnipSnap maybe you
know about it or if not Girl you are Welcome
Love Walmart! I got these really comfy yoga pants that look like regular
pants (and they’re in colors!) and people always compliment them and look
so shocked when I tell them they’re yoga pants 😀 So stretchy and I love
I just got an amazing sports bra from walmart! Love walmart!
My mom loves buying pre-cut pineapple. She hates dealing with buying a
whole pineapple and having to deal with it herself. And I’m the opposite as
you. Give me strawberries and I’m happy, but I can’t deal with anything
else. Well sometimes bananas, but not really. I like veggies way more,
which I think is so weird for me. lol
I know in Canada you could take that long sleeve shirt back with the
receipt and get yo money back while keeping it! (Make sure you have the tag
still tho.) Scanning code of practice is the best!