What should be your BACKUP SNACK? | Health and Fitness Tips | Guru Mann
What should be your BACKUP SNACK ? Guru Mann will tell you in this health and fitness tips video. Check out this video and let us know your thoughts!!
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Health And Fitness says
What should be your BACKUP SNACK ? Guru Mann will tell you in this video.
Arvind Tiwari says
hello sir i always facing some problem to download your
Arvind Tiwari says
Thanks for video……..
Karnal Sahir says
Lol I need exercise for dat chiseled jawline
Devadath .C.M. says
sooper … this is grt … the last option, water, most ppl forget… i
know many who forget to drink water… :/
apples and oranges are my favorites… most of the time bananas too …
totally filling… 🙂
Also, so nice of u tht u’ve stressed on hand ful of almonds … more means
reverse effect…
Raman Desai says
This is grt info, i will keep this snack in my bag from tomorrow onwards..,
my new year resolution to change my body is to do everything you
said…100% follow you sir. You are great
Jatin Bharadwaj says
Very well explained sir, in my office they dont eat anything for so many
hours not even drink water. This video will help everyone in my office for
sure. Thanks for the video
Faraan Mazhar says
Great Great Great sir ji..
StrongBoard Balance™ says
Check out this video by Health and Fitness on some great ideas for #backup
snacks to keep in your car or at the office!