Yvette Ulloa Health & Fitness Dream Dreamtrip at Four Seasons in partnership with WorldVentures
Yvette Ulloa, Worldventures first Latina IMD, is an avid and passionate health and fitness advocate, professional traveler and inspirational speaker, author and coach, created this Health & Fitness Dream weekend to help people experience that a focus on health and fitness doen’t have to be tough, difficult or routine. Yvette Ulloa and her husband, Dave Ulloa created this Health & Fitness experience in partnership with WorldVentures, Dreamtrips and the Four Seasons which they plan to take around the world creating a dream weekend retreat, where they build community and help people transform their health, and along with that, all other areas of life. Yvette Ulloa was diagnosed with ameloblastoma, an incurable tumor in her jaw where they were going to remove a quarter of her jaw, replace with hip bone and wire shut her mouth for 9 months (see her blog www.healing-blog.com). This challenge sparked Yvette Ulloa’s hunger to seek more, find answers, and seek a holistic naturopathic way to stop the tumor. Through this journey and one of the greatest winters in her life, she found the best summer of her life. Dave and Yvette partnered up with DreamTrips and the Four Seasons California to offer this trip and they are planning on San Diego next. Life will never be the same! For more details, www.30daydreambody.com where the next trip will be featured. You can connect with Yvette on FB at www.facebook.com/yvetteulloa. Please comment on what you would like to see on our next trip!
Yvette Ulloa says
Here is the video of our Health & Fitness Retreat at the Four Seasons, and
you can expect a beautiful, fun weekend of learning about health, staying
healthy and that it does not have to be this tough horrible thing, as
opposed to a natural, fun thing to stay healthy and fit. From Dave Ulloa
and Yvette Ulloa